Dear friends and students of ACIM, I am so happy to announce that my book of the 365 ACIM Lesson illustrations is now available! In...
El error y el ego
Awakening From the Dream
Peace Pilgrimage, Holy Relationships and ACIM
My Little Willingness
¿Para qué estoy aquí? ¿Qué debo hacer?
Lección 248 de UCDM - Si estoy enfermo, ¿debo negarlo y decir que todo está bien?
ACIM Lesson 248 - Should I deny I'm sick?
A Pilgrimage of Trust
Forgiveness: my Continuing Journey for Peace
Crucifixion and Resurrection
Prayer for Peace
A Perspective on Freedom
Vision Board for the Ego
The Call for Faith
Illustrated ACIM Lessons 1-365
31 Illustrations based on A Course in Miracles
Choose Once Again
My Introduction to “A Course in Miracles”