AN OFFERING: Daily ACIM Lessons Narrated by Mony
Hello fellow ACIM students, This year, to deepen my own practice of the Course, I decided to record the 365 Workbook Lessons and to share...
AN OFFERING: Daily ACIM Lessons Narrated by Mony
El error y el ego
Awakening From the Dream
Peace Pilgrimage, Holy Relationships and ACIM
My Little Willingness
Compartiendo nuevamente las ilustraciones de cada lección de UCDM
¿Para qué estoy aquí? ¿Qué debo hacer?
Lección 248 de UCDM - Si estoy enfermo, ¿debo negarlo y decir que todo está bien?
ACIM Lesson 248 - Should I deny I'm sick?
A Pilgrimage of Trust
Forgiveness: my Continuing Journey for Peace
Crucifixion and Resurrection
Prayer for Peace
A Perspective on Freedom
Vision Board for the Ego
Illustrated ACIM Lessons 1-365
31 Illustrations based on A Course in Miracles
Choose Once Again
My Introduction to “A Course in Miracles”